Beyond the human horizon
They were here, they are here and they will be here after us
About me
Philosophy of photography
I believe that wildlife photography can serve as a bridge to the realisation that the planet does not exist just for us, but for all living things.
Adam Javorčík
About me
Philosophy of photography
I believe that wildlife photography can serve as a bridge to the realisation that the planet does not exist just for us, but for all living things.
Adam Javorčík
o mne
Filozofia za fotografiou
Verím, že fotografia divokej prírody môže slúžiť ako most k uvedomeniu, že planéta neexistuje len pre nás, ale pre všetky živé organizmy.
Adam Javorčík
Connection with nature without prejudice
Struggling to survive for millions of years, they are neither beautiful nor ugly. Let’s try to forget all the learned patterns of thought and, on the wings of fascination, discover the beauty and complexity of nature in its authentic form. Beyond the human curriculum of their usefulness, all living organisms and their environments have value in themselves.
For photographers
Take the moment into your hands
Don’t settle only for capturing what you see. Bring harmony and subtlety to your images with composition and the right light. Or create dramatic images full of contrast and shadow. Show the scene as you see it, but always cultivate a sense of detail and try to convey emotion.